Thursday, January 21, 2010

New Beginning

About seven years ago I built my Dad a fly rod and mailed it to him for Christmas. He has never fly fished a day in his life, but I thought it might be a way for us to do something together. Five years ago I moved here to Connecticut. My Dad has still never fly fished and I could never find time to take him.
Yesterday I took a drive to a fly shop, I had a really good time. I talked with the local fly fishers and picked up a few things. I was suprised to find out that there are 5 Wild Trout Management streams in and around the town where my Dad lives. Imagine that, five years in this state and I never knew that.
My Dad is recently retired so I knew I could catch him on the phone today. I told him about those trout streams and asked if he'd like to learn to use that rod I made for him. He said that he'd like that very much.
This afternoon I have a follow up at the surgeons office. Tomorrow I have made plans to go to my Dads place and teach him how to cast a fly rod. I don't know who is more excited, him or me, about getting out on to one of those trout streams this spring.

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